photo phriend

photo phriend

It’s not that I have anything particularly important to say; just that I haven’t written anything on here in a while.
It’s simply been life- college life- as I think it probably should have been from the start.
My friend Dave from photo class taught me how to blend photographs together, which I have yet to master, but definitely will! It’s something I’ve always been excited about- and I didn’t know I could do this without being some crazy photoshop guru. (Plus I’ve always been in the mindset that photoshop is cheating.. but for this type of thing I think I’m okay) – my professor (she’s awesome, by the way) always says that you should shoot it like you want it. Don’t rely on photoshop. You should have to do as little as possible when editing. And I agree.

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This is an amalgamation of two of my photographs: one, of my friend on a bench in downtown Boston, and another of him holding a journal I bought from Barnes & Noble a while ago- handmade for a good cause.

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I need to make a portfolio..
I’m currently sitting in one of my 3D design classes, and we’re all talking about portfolios- who to host with, who to sell work through, where to get layouts,etc.

oh life.